Source code for bsym.symmetry_operation

import numpy as np
from bsym.configuration import Configuration

[docs]def is_square( m ): """ Test whether a numpy matrix is square. Args: m (np.matrix): The matrix. Returns: (bool): True | False. """ return m.shape[0] == m.shape[1]
[docs]def is_permutation_matrix( m ): """ Test whether a numpy array is a `permutation matrix`_. .. _permutation_matrix: Args: m (mp.matrix): The matrix. Returns: (bool): True | False. """ m = np.asanyarray(m) return (m.ndim == 2 and m.shape[0] == m.shape[1] and (m.sum(axis=0) == 1).all() and (m.sum(axis=1) == 1).all() and ((m == 1) | (m == 0)).all())
[docs]class SymmetryOperation: """ `SymmetryOperation` class. """ def __init__( self, matrix, label=None ): """ Initialise a `SymmetryOperation` object Args: matrix (numpy.matrix|numpy.ndarray|list): square 2D vector as either a `numpy.matrix`, `numpy.ndarray`, or `list`. for this symmetry operation. label (default=None) (str): optional string label for this `SymmetryOperation` object. Raises: TypeError: if matrix is not `numpy.matrix`, `numpy.ndarray`, or `list`. ValueError: if matrix is not square. ValueError: if matrix is not a `permutation matrix`_. .. _permutation_matrix: Notes: To construct a `SymmetryOperation` object from a vector of site mappings use the `SymmetryOperation.from_vector()` method. Returns: None """ if isinstance( matrix, np.matrix ): self.matrix = np.array( matrix ) elif isinstance( matrix, np.ndarray ): self.matrix = np.array( matrix ) elif isinstance( matrix, list): self.matrix = np.array( matrix ) else: raise TypeError if not is_square( self.matrix ): raise ValueError('Not a square matrix') if not is_permutation_matrix( self.matrix ): raise ValueError('Not a permutation matrix') self.label = label self.index_mapping = np.array( [ np.array(row).tolist().index(1) for row in matrix ] ) def __mul__( self, other ): """ Multiply this `SymmetryOperation` matrix with another `SymmetryOperation`. Args: other (SymmetryOperation, Configuration): the other symmetry operation or configuration or matrix for the matrix multiplication self * other. Returns: (SymmetryOperation): a new `SymmetryOperation` instance with the resultant matrix. (Configuration): if `other` is a `Configuration`. """ if isinstance( other, SymmetryOperation ): return SymmetryOperation( other.matrix ) ) elif isinstance( other, Configuration ): return self.operate_on( other ) else: raise TypeError
[docs] def invert( self, label=None ): """ Invert this `SymmetryOperation` object. Args: None Returns: A new `SymmetryOperation` object corresponding to the inverse matrix operation. """ return SymmetryOperation( np.linalg.inv( self.matrix ).astype( int ), label=label )
[docs] @classmethod def from_vector( cls, vector, count_from_zero=False, label=None ): """ Initialise a SymmetryOperation object from a vector of site mappings. Args: vector (list): vector of integers defining a symmetry operation mapping. count_from_zero (default = False) (bool): set to True if the site index counts from zero. label (default=None) (str): optional string label for this `SymmetryOperation` object. Returns: a new SymmetryOperation object """ if not count_from_zero: vector = [ x - 1 for x in vector ] dim = len( vector ) matrix = np.zeros( ( dim, dim ) ) for index, element in enumerate( vector ): matrix[ element, index ] = 1 new_symmetry_operation = cls( matrix, label=label ) return new_symmetry_operation
[docs] def similarity_transform( self, s, label=None ): """ Generate the SymmetryOperation produced by a similarity transform S^{-1}.M.S Args: s: the symmetry operation or matrix S. label (:obj:`str`, optional): the label to assign to the new SymmetryOperation. Defaults to None. Returns: the SymmetryOperation produced by the similarity transform """ s_new = s.invert() * ( self * s ) if label: s_new.set_label( label ) return s_new
[docs] def operate_on( self, configuration ): """ Return the Configuration generated by appliying this symmetry operation Args: configuration (Configuration): the configuration / occupation vector to operate on Returns: (Configuration): the new configuration obtained by operating on configuration with this symmetry operation. """ if not isinstance( configuration, Configuration ): raise TypeError return Configuration( configuration.vector[ self.index_mapping ] )
#return Configuration( configuration.vector ) )
[docs] def character( self ): """ Return the character of this symmetry operation (the trace of `self.matrix`). Args: none Returns: np.trace( self.matrix ) """ return np.trace( self.matrix )
[docs] def as_vector( self, count_from_zero=False ): """ Return a vector representation of this symmetry operation Args: count_from_zero (default = False) (bool): set to True if the vector representation counts from zero Returns: a vector representation of this symmetry operation (as a list) """ offset = 0 if count_from_zero else 1 return [ row.tolist().index( 1 ) + offset for row in self.matrix.T ]
[docs] def set_label( self, label ): """ Set the label for this symmetry operation. Args: label: label to set for this symmetry operation Returns: self """ self.label = label return self
[docs] def pprint( self ): """ Pretty print for this symmetry operation Args: None Returns: None """ label = self.label if self.label else '---' print( label + ' : ' + ' '.join( [ str(e) for e in self.as_vector() ] ) )
def __repr__( self ): label = self.label if self.label else '---' return 'SymmetryOperation\nlabel(' + label + ")\n" + self.matrix.__repr__()